I am Unstoppable! God Made Me That Way! Ft. Shamie Taylor
Phenomenal Woman, speaking on her Journey to who God Purposed her to be.
Shamie touches on how listening a being obedient to what God tells you to do, can change the people around lives as well. Great Job Shamie!
“From My Perspective!” Ft. Lacy
Intelligent Conversations: An Author (“The Baltimore
Street Royalty Series.”) and Mentor in The Baltimore Park Heights Community
Lacy speaks on his Journey of Strength and Carriage in an uncertain environment.
He demonstrates how God’s Plan will Prevail! Great Job Lacy!
Generations of God’s Glory Ft. Tia Richards
This is a Story that shows nothing can Stop God’s Glory . Tia tells how seeking God’s kingdom has changed her life and continues to change the lives of people she has touched.
Nothing Will Take Me Down ft. Briana Cabell
This podcast shows how God carries you through the rough times and uses you for His Glory .
From not believing to believing ft. Monika
With God Nothing is impossible for you to accomplish, to get through or Get Over.